Saturday, December 16

The Best Day

I have been sitting in my chair for over an hour trying to come up with the right words, the right descriptions and the right feel for what today meant to me. I just wanted to share our simple day with you in hopes that it would show everyone how to appreciate life's little everyday gifts and that time with your family doesn't need to be extravagant, flamboyant or exciting. It just needs to be....

Since this past hour has consisted of me trying to figure out what to say and hitting the delete button more than anything else, there seems to be only one conclusion. Today wasn't meant to be written about. It was simply meant to live within me as a beautiful day with my family. A day that only we can appreciate. No one else will understand the beauty of the average things we saw, the rain storm we got caught in, the peace of the backroads we followed and the 50 shades of green that are emblazened on my memory.

Some things just don't need to be expressed through words. I believe that things happen for a reason and I couldn't find the words to write because there are none that exist. The camera that I brought with was never used to take a single picture because none needed to be taken. Today was beautiful in so many ways but it just wasn't meant to be photographed or described to anyone.

Part of me wants to apologize for being so sappy and philosophical and coming across as a "goody-goody". However, it's only a small part and it won't win. I will not apologize for being who I am. I will not feel stupid for taking in life's simple pleasures and appreciating them as a true gift. I will not let anyone tell me that I'm crazy, weird, lame or any other derogotory adjective they could come up with. I love life and the blessings I have been given and will never take them for granted.

If you have ever seen the movie American Beauty and if you truly understood it, then maybe my ramblings will make sense to you. "Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in." This is sort of what I'm trying to explain but am unable to. Beauty and joy doesn't need to be expressed, it just needs to be lived and remembered.

So with that, just know that today was the best day, to me, and I hope you can enjoy simplicity in your life. Everyday brings a gift and there is true beauty just around your corner. Just open your eyes and your heart..... it's there.

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